It is an online payment application that helps customers to pay their electricity bills from the app for Butwal city instead of waiting hours in line. Also, It rewards customers who pay their bills through the app.
Company Size
vards customers who pay their bills through the app.
Alight Electricity App was built using React-Native for both Android & iOS platforms. Its main purpose is to utilize an already built web application’s API (PHP Server) to fetch the bills for a particular customer and make payment through the most popular payment platform in Nepal i.e. eSewa. After logging in through their customer ID, the customers were redirected to the dashboard screen where they can see their most recent bill and pay their bill with a single tap of a button.
Our main challenge was to make the app as simple as possible because more than 50% of our customers are parents who were not much into online payment. We kept our login system so simple that the customer can log in to the app just with their customer id (which they can find on their old physical bills or they can recover through their phone number) & OTP.
A portfolio is any method used to showcase your best work. No matter the industry, fashion, architecture, or design, there are tons of ways to display your work in order to get a new job or expand your audience or customers.
Increase In User Retention
Daily Users
Increase in time spent on website
The following architecture shows what kind of technologies we’ve used and how they are connected with each other.
The following architecture shows what kind of technologies we’ve used and how they are connected with each other.
We used framer to rapidly prototype the concepts.