It's a free to use web platform that helps parents search for schools that will suggest different college based on their financial and children's academic qualification.
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It’s a free to use web platform that helps parents search for schools that will suggest different college based on their financial and children’s academic qualification.
College Cost Secrets is a SaaS platform based in the United States where we have different roles for families, agents, admission professionals, and the admin. Families can sign up and go through a quick 2-3 minute onboarding flow where they enter their general details such as location, family member count, and additional financial details like annual income and taxation. After that, they enter their children’s academic details and are then suggested various colleges across the United States.
Our main challenge for us was to import data into our system. The end client has gave us pdf and CSV files with college data all over the place. We ended up using a nodeJS script to parse data from the CSV files and combine them by a unique id Institution ID. Also the college data gets refreshed every year so we wrote the script in a way that it’s future proof too.
A portfolio is any method used to showcase your best work. No matter the industry, fashion, architecture, or design, there are tons of ways to display your work in order to get a new job or expand your audience or customers.
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In the E-commerce sector for Nepal, our main competitor was daraz, sastodeal.
The following architecture shows what kind of technologies we’ve used and how they are connected with each other.
To get the best outcome we started with creating wireframes/mockups in whimsical.